The Bozeman Police Foundation operates for public safety and educational purposes, assisting the Bozeman Police Department where the City budget falls short.  The Foundation provides a method for donors to contribute toward specific programs, events, and items that will allow the Bozeman Police Department to operate more efficiently or enhance public safety.

Thank you Bozeman & the Gallatin Valley!  Through your generous donations, this project is now fully funded!

GOAL: $10,000 | FULLY FUNDED!!!!


The Bozeman Police Department is in the process of implementing a new canine program where a police dog will be assigned to School Resource Officer (SRO), Connor Foley to provide an additional layer of public assistance and security.

To see this program become a reality, we are seeking the community’s help to raise $10,000. In addition to raising funds, we are also seeking input on a name for Officer Foley’s new partner! As part of the fundraising campaign, names can be submitted by adding a note to your contribution by using the PayPal link or scanning the following QR Code.

Principally, this specially trained animal will be a facility/therapy dog whose purpose is to help engage with students and assist them through the trauma they may experience, whether in or outside the school. Secondarily this canine would be specifically trained and certified to detect firearms, ammunition, and explosives to assist in providing a layer of security in our schools from various types of threats.

Officer Foley works primarily as the SRO at Gallatin High School and this canine will work alongside him there, as well as be present and visible at all the schools in the school district.

The projects below were funded in part or completely by individual/business contributions to the Bozeman Police Foundation:

  • Raised funds and worked with the City of Bozeman to install an RRFB (Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons) at the intersection of 27th and Annie
  • CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) training for the SRT (Special Response Team) members, a member of the City Planning Office, and Bozeman School District
  • FIST #300 Training Suit which allows officers to obtain vital training in making proper decisions during dynamic encounters
  • Chinook Medic Packs and Conterra ALS Extreme for the TEMS (Tactical Emergency Medical Services) – a team that provides medical care to STR (Special Response Team) members and the public in high-risk situations where circumstances make it unsafe for normal medical personnel to address and treat injuries
  • Interactive tool for children who are abused & neglected to share their story – Gallatin County Child Advocacy Center (CAC)
  • Send Child Crimes Detective to an Advanced Child Forensic training
  • Send three critical incident stress management team members to the National Public Safety Peer Support Conference
  • Making 1000 Bozeman Bikers Safer Initiative
  • Keeping Dogs Safe by Partnering with Bozeman’s “Lend-a-Leash” Program
  • Rescue Randy (life-saving) Training Dummy
    • Officer B. Green wrote: “This training is very vital to our police department and is very hard to do with live role players.  Thanks again for your contribution.”
Community Events Trailer Community Events Trailer
Community Events Trailer Community Events Trailer
  • K-9 Ballistic vests and equipment for our local K-9 Unit
  • Run, Lock, Fight safety training suit
  • Install lighted crossing systems (RRFB – Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons) at Whitter and Sacajawea Middle Schools
  • Helped send a Bozeman Police Department employee to Code Compliance Training in Chicago
  • Purchased start-up Emergency Medical Equipment for the STR (Special Response Team  (BPD and Gallatin Co. Sheriff)
  • Purchase Employee Recognition Plaques for retiring BPD employees
  • Annual National Night Out Against Crime
  • Annual Shop with a Cop

Thank You for your generous support!